Smith's New Grammar.
English Grammar
On The Productive System:
Method of Instruction Recently Adopted In Germany and Switzerland.
Designed for Schools and Academies
By Roswell C. Smith
Author Of "Practical and Mental Arithmetic," "Intellectual And Practical Grammar," and "Introductory Arithmetic."
New Stereotype Edition.
Publisher: E. H. Butler, Philadelphia
Copyright: 1842
CONDITION: This scarce textbook is in good condition. Hardcover. Boards are worn along edges and corners and surface rubbed. Hinges tight. Binding square. There is an ink inscription on the front flyleaf. The text block is foxed.
192 pages, 4.75" x 7.5"
English Grammar
On The Productive System:
Method of Instruction Recently Adopted In Germany and Switzerland.
Designed for Schools and Academies
By Roswell C. Smith
Author Of "Practical and Mental Arithmetic," "Intellectual And Practical Grammar," and "Introductory Arithmetic."
New Stereotype Edition.
Publisher: E. H. Butler, Philadelphia
Copyright: 1842
CONDITION: This scarce textbook is in good condition. Hardcover. Boards are worn along edges and corners and surface rubbed. Hinges tight. Binding square. There is an ink inscription on the front flyleaf. The text block is foxed.
192 pages, 4.75" x 7.5"